Wall Murals by Adrian Chesterman
Adrian Chesterman gained a bachelor of Arts degree at Norwich School of Art and then mastered in illustration at the Royal College of Art in London. Since leaving the R.C.A., Chesterman has worked principally as an illustrator working for just about everyone, on just about everything, just about everywhere.
‘Jurassic Park’ publicity art for Stephen Spielberg in Los Angeles, stage-set art for ‘Sunset Boulevard’ for Andrew Lloyd-Weber in Frankfurt. Innumerable advertising commissions from Rolls Royce to Coca Cola. Theme park designs for Seaworld in Miami and San Diego, Ferrari Park in the UAE and Marvel Comic Park in Bejing. Book covers for Jackie Collins, Dick Francis, Isaac Asimov and many others including the recent re-print of Enid Blyton's timeless children's classic series 'The Famous Five'. Countless music album covers including 'Bomber' for Motorhead and 'The Road to Hell' for Chris Rea.
Braquiosaurio Fotomurales por Adrian Chesterman
25,08 €/㎡ RRP
Precio habitual: 50,16 € 50% Off
Especie en peligro Fotomurales por Adrian Chesterman
25,08 €/㎡ RRP
Precio habitual: 50,16 € 50% Off
Pingüinos Fotomurales por Adrian Chesterman
25,08 €/㎡ RRP
Precio habitual: 50,16 € 50% Off
Cachorros de foca Fotomurales por Adrian Chesterman
25,08 €/㎡ RRP
Precio habitual: 50,16 € 50% Off
Noche ártica Fotomurales por Adrian Chesterman
25,08 €/㎡ RRP
Precio habitual: 50,16 € 50% Off
Planetas y sus lunas Fotomurales por Adrian Chesterman
25,08 €/㎡ RRP
Precio habitual: 50,16 € 50% Off
Orca Fun Fotomurales por Adrian Chesterman
25,08 €/㎡ RRP
Precio habitual: 50,16 € 50% Off
Unicorn Solo Dream Fotomurales por Adrian Chesterman
25,08 €/㎡ RRP
Precio habitual: 50,16 € 50% Off
Calabazas espeluznantes de Halloween Fotomurales por Adrian Chesterman
25,08 €/㎡ RRP
Precio habitual: 50,16 € 50% Off
El sistema solar I Fotomurales por Adrian Chesterman
25,08 €/㎡ RRP
Precio habitual: 50,16 € 50% Off
Llamas de montaña II Fotomurales por Adrian Chesterman
25,08 €/㎡ RRP
Precio habitual: 50,16 € 50% Off
El universo Fotomurales por Adrian Chesterman
25,08 €/㎡ RRP
Precio habitual: 50,16 € 50% Off
Águila patriótica Fotomurales por Adrian Chesterman
25,08 €/㎡ RRP
Precio habitual: 50,16 € 50% Off