Speaking with Designer, Elena Dudina

Elena Dudina is an expert photo manipulator with a talent for creating fantasy-themes, beautiful images. In our latest Azutura interview, we caught us with her to discuss her life of travelling, love of Photoshop, interesting creative process and much more.
Hi Elena, thanks for taking the time to speak to us. Can you start by introducing yourself and telling us a little about your work and life?
I was born in Russia. My father was a military man, a fighter pilot. So, as you might understand, we moved a lot. I spent my childhood and youth from one location to another. From Estonia to Latvia, even from the Arctic to Ukraine and seven years in Siberia.
I’ve been living in Madrid, Spain since 2002. My husband is Spanish and I love this country too.
Since childhood, I have always drawn and painted; I had that gift. In 2004, I started with sculptures too, until I discovered Photoshop. Since then, I’ve worked exclusively in this field. I think it is a summary of everything I did before.
Photo manipulation is my passion but my work too!
What’s the average day like in the life of Elena Dudina?
I usually work late and then I relax by reading or watching a movie or documentary. I love the ones about police cases; the more twisted, the better.
I go to bed almost at dawn and I get up at noon. I do general family life, see to my cats and do things around the house. Then, I check my mail and social channels. From 4 to 8 pm, I usually work on some commission or my own jobs.
I watch a little television with my husband and when he goes to bed, my day starts again.

You’ve lived in so many different countries. Do you think this has had an effect on your creativity?
Yes, due to my father's work locations, I’ve lived in different parts of the URSS and later in Spain. Since being married, we have travelled a lot too for pleasure.
It all has an influence on our personalities but I really don't think this has substantially influenced my work as a photo manipulator.
What do you use to create your work?
My computer, Photoshop, my tablet and a couple of Terabytes of stock photos that are the basis of my work.

What drew you to Photoshop?
I have already commented that I have always drawn. From a very young age, I have had that gift. I started studying fine arts but my mother got sick and I had to quit.
Later, I also started to sculpture, but in 2007, I discovered photo manipulation. Since then, I have been exclusively dedicated to it.
Can you tell us about your creative process from the inception of an idea through to the finished piece?
Most of the time, I start with a wonderful stock photo. Especially a model. When this happens, I start to imagine her in any situation; who she is and work from that initial idea. I´m "forced" to give her life and to tell her story. Then, she often begins to have her own personality.
Other times, it's an idea. An image that I have in my head and I just start mixing elements. The work changes as I assemble the puzzle. It is more self-sacrificing but also has its rewards and surprises.

A lot of your work has quite a fantasy feel to it. How did you develop this style and subject?
I have not had to develop anything, it is me, I am like that. Then there is the technique to carry it out and that is if you have to develop it by studying and practising a lot.
Your work is largely featured on book and CD covers. Why do you think it’s suited to these mediums?
Much of literature is fantasy as are my works and much of the music is about beauty, sensations and feelings as is my work as well.

What inspires your work?
Most of the time, I start with a wonderful stock photo, usually a model.
If you weren’t a designer, what career would you have pursued?
I am passionate about forensics.

What advice would you give to an aspiring designer?
Practice a lot, repeat a lot and study hard. Do not be disappointed. Do not sink or leave. Create your own style. Try to be yourself.
Imitating is not bad when you start but develop your own style. When you know the tools, and have some skills, if you can afford it, look for a good individual tutor.
What’s the future looking like for you? Anything big on the horizon?
I never make plans, I live daily. Of course, I want my husband, me and our families to be healthy and I can continue doing the job that I like, travelling, etc.