Speaking with Artist, Pernille Folcarelli

Pernille Folcarelli is a talented artist who creates botanical prints using real natural elements.
In our latest interview, we caught up with Penille to discuss how she chooses different elements to make her prints, the natural world, her favourite plants and much more.
Keep reading to see what she had to say and for a chance to see her amazing botanical wall murals.
Hi Pernille, thanks for taking the time to speak with us. Can you start by introducing yourself and telling us a little bit about your life?
Hi, I am Pernille, a Danish designer living in the countryside north of Copenhagen. I work with handmade plant prints in my studio, which is located close to my home.
I started the brand Pernille Folcarelli in 2013 after years as a freelance designer for other brands. Since 2013, I have focused on my own artwork, transforming it into posters, textiles, wallpapers and other items for the home.

How’s quarantine life treating you? Has it affected your productivity?
During the quarantine, I have kept my daily routines, so it hasn´t affected me a lot. I am working alone in my studio, so nothing has really changed in that regard. However, quarantine has made me spend more time in my close surroundings and I have found even more inspiration in the local Danish nature.
What’s a typical day like in the life of Pernille Folcarelli?
When running a one-woman business, there are so many different daily tasks to take care of: making artworks, designing products, doing marketing, packing orders, cleaning, doing sales and the accounts. The days can look very different, but I work in my studio all weekdays.
Sometimes, planning can be difficult when you are in charge of all tasks. I try to reserve some time to find new inspiration in nature and develop new artworks.

How and when did you first develop an interest in art?
I believe my interest in art and design was always present. Going to art exhibitions as a child always gave me a special feeling.
I started drawing and painting at an early age, and this interest eventually led me to an education as a textile designer at the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts.
Can you tell us about your creative process from coming up with an idea through to the finished piece?
My inspiration comes from nature and botany. Very often in my local surroundings where I collect plants for printing. In my workshop, the fresh plants are used to make imprints on paper through a hand-powered graphic press. Selected handmade prints are then developed for a series of posters, postcards, textile wall decorations, wallpapers, curtains and interior items.

Can you tell us how you choose a specific plant?
I select plants based on shape, leaf ornament, characteristics or their symbolism. I use fresh plants and leaves when printing, but not all leaves have the right structure to print. Often the plants are collected in my local environment, at the beach or in my own garden.
What drew you to botanical prints?
The botanical universe of plants and trees has always fascinated me. Being in nature fills me with great joy and inspiration. To me, plants represent memories of places, scents, moods and emotions, and wherever I go - I always study nature.
I treasure the beauty and diversity of botany and I love keeping plants as memories when travelling or making trips around my local area. Apart from that, nature has a timeless aesthetic and an everlasting relevance despite changing trends. Nature never goes out of fashion.

Do you have a favourite plant?
Some of my favourite plants are those with an ancient and fascinating history, that goes back to prehistoric times, like the fern, one of the oldest plants on earth. This plant has inhabited earth about 200 million years before the first dinosaur ever hatched from its egg.
I also love all kinds of grasses because of their elegance and their light and airy appearance.
You also give advice on interior design - do you think your art and interior design go hand in hand?
Yes, I think they go very well hand in hand. I try to create wall decorations and interior products that form calm, harmonious and sensuous interior spaces. Rooms that serve as natural, delightful breathing spaces in a hectic world.
I believe there is a big need for surrounding ourselves with natural motives. Especially, in unpredictable and turbulent times like we are facing right now.
Nature makes us relax and feel comfortable. I would say that a natural wallpaper is a kind of “indoor nature therapy”.

What advice would you give to an aspiring artist?
Keep on working on your ideas. Don´t sit and wait for inspiration or opportunities to show up. Work continuously each and every day for your dreams and goals and if you don´t have a specific goal, just keep on working with your art and ideas – things will happen with time.
One of my favourite quotes is by Paul Smith, who says: “You can find inspiration in everything – and if you can´t, look again.” This illuminates so finely that inspiration is everywhere, if only we open our eyes to it. But, sometimes we have to make an extra effort.
If you weren’t an artist, what career would you have pursued?
Gardener, anthropologist or architect. Topics about plants, human nature and aesthetics have always interested me - they still do.

What’s the future looking like? Anything big on the horizon?
I have a collaboration regarding some brand new products that will be launched in the near future. A new collection of prints is also on its way.
I always have a list of ideas - some turn out to be realised and others have to wait. On Instagram, you can get news and updates about my work - @pernillefolcarelli.